
12-13 April 2021


Renaissance Beijing Wangfujing Hotel北京金茂万丽酒店




More than 40 Speakers

Welcoming words of the General Chairs

4th International Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management: CSD&M Asia 2020

Update special Covid-19: Willing to offer a safer environment and more time to inspire works & papers on global complex systems, the CSD&M Asia 2020 chairs Dr. Xinguo ZHANG, Dr. Daniel Krob, Mr. YAO Junchen, Mr. ZHANG Hongjun and Professor Lefei Li have decided to postpone the 4th CSD&M Asia to April 2021.

Mastering complex engineered systems is a fundamental strategic challenge. Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) conference is a widely open meeting event dedicated to academic researchers, industrial and governmental actors who are interested in complex industrial systems engineering.

The CSD&M conference was created in France and is currently organized each year in Paris since 2010 by the French non-profit organization CESAMES under the guidance & with the support of the « Complex Systems Engineering » industrial chair of Ecole Polytechnique (about 425 participants). It was then extended to the Asia-Pacific area: the Complex Systems Design & Management Asia (CSD&M Asia) conference was therefore organized each two year in Singapore since 2014 (about 450 participants, on the keynote themes: Smart Cities, Smart Nations and Smart Transportation).

Hosted by CSAA and organized by CESAMES, the 4th CSDM Asia edition will be held in Beijing by April 12-13, 2021 during two days. We sincerely thank you for the precious support and interest, and invite you to join again this academical institutional industrial meeting.

由中国航空学会与系思迈系统架构协会联合主办, 第四届国际复杂系统设计与管理亚洲会议将在中国·北京举行, 会期是2021年4月12-13日, 为期两天。我们非常感谢大家在这些年对 CSD&M Asia 的持续关注与支持!在此我们向您发出诚挚的邀请, 来参加这个聚集学术界 – 政府机关 – 工业界的盛会!


The Call for Papers is open

The accepted papers (full or abstract) will be included into CSD&M Asia 2020 Conference Proceedings, which will be published in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series by Springer Verlag, which will be archived in the DBLP, Scopus and indexed by EI Compendex and ISI Clarivate. Authors of the accepted full papers will report during the Parallel Sessions while those of the abstracts accepted will present at the Posters Session of the conference.

CSD&M Asia 2020 会议收录的文章将以论文集形式出版在 Springer Verlag的智能系统与计算研究系列中,并收录在Springer Verlag, DBLP, Scopus, EI Compendex 和 ISI Clarivate 等各大在线检索数据库, 被选上的文章作者还将参会展示研究报告

More information about the submission procedure HERE.

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